Oh Sugar, Where’ve You Been?
It’s no secret that recently, I’ve been a 25-year old walking cliché, moping around in quarter life crisis-mode and generally making a fool of myself. I’m going to do my best to keep more of my personal life out of this particular blog; sometimes I forget that more than just my friends are keeping tabs on this. I have a difficult time feeling creative or apt to blog about fashion when I’m going through a rough time. I apologize, profusely. Back to the pictures!
I just got back from New York (the other day) and felt like lifting my spirits a little. What did I do? Well, I did my makeup and partook in a self-indulgent, extremely vain photo session. Did it work? A little. A bit (or a lot) of eye makeup and fake lashes can do wonders for the self esteem.
Makeup Details:
MAC Bare Canvas all over lids and blended above crease
MAC Say, Yeah all over lids
Bobbi Brown smokey eyeshadow in crease and outer v
Revlon lashes
stiletto lash mascara
MAC blacktrack fluidline
Julie Hewett Cheekie cheek and lip shine in Bette on lips
brow pencil
Smashbox photofinish primer all over face
MAC mineralize skinfinish natural in Light
MAC mineralize skinfinish in Petticoat (cheeks)
Love love,
Keiko Lynn
p.s. If you like this look and want to learn how to recreate it, stay tuned for the tutorial, which will be available on Emerging Thoughts (as soon as I finish it).