Happy Halloween!
These are the most last minute costumes – even more last minute than last year! Originally, I wanted to be Kelly Kapowski and have Bobby be Zack, but he wasn’t into the idea. He also thought he was working, so I settled on being Holly Hobbie. Up until this morning, that was the plan. But then we found out he didn’t have to work, so we had to figure something out for him. He wanted to be a pill. It would be funny but a little silly. I just went through the closets and found everything to be Alice and the white rabbit. We just made the pocket watch out of a wall clock (popped out the back and made a new one) and a vintage chain, and I sewed my bow headband. Miku’s squirrel costume didn’t really go with the theme, so we borrowed Bobby’s accessories for the pictures. What do you think? Did we pull it off?
What were you for Halloween?