Cute Animal Donuts!
I shot not one but two Makeup Mondays, this past week, and a long overdue tutorial on how I photograph my makeup and self portraits. I was all set to post my Makeup Monday when I realized that the products I photographed and edited can’t be shared until Wednesday (they’re a preview), and it’s too goddang late to edit the other tutorial in time for Monday. So, please come back on Wednesday for the makeup. There’s no alliteration, but the content will be the same.
I didn’t want to leave you all without a post, so here are the cutest donuts in the world (from Fantastic Donuts in LA), and the cutest donut printed makeup bag in the world, by Flynn. A match made in heaven, if I ever did see one. Kim and I went with the intentions of sampling just a few donuts – we made a trip to Donut Friend just the day before – but somehow I ended up saying, “One of each, please.” Kim laughed at me, but didn’t protest. And the joke’s on her, because I left those suckers at her apartment…well, what was left of them. It’s probably a good thing that we don’t live in the same city/state/coast because we just end up eating treats and watching drag queens on tv and youtube, all night. We could spiral. I can see it happening.
In terms of actual taste, Donut Friend wins (and I love the names of their donuts). These were still good, but if I’m being honest, they could’ve tasted like literal garbage and I still would’ve wanted to buy them. It doesn’t hurt that they’re all between $1.35 and $1.85. They were the cutest donuts I’ve seen since I was in Tokyo, which made me wonder…why aren’t more donuts as cute as these? And more importantly, can they make a Miku donut for me?