November 29, 2008

As this post makes evident, I am not above matching my makeup to my clothing. It’s not something I’m proud of, but sometimes I just feel like it’s necessary. I’m infamous for the occasional (okay, more than occasional) matchy-matchy, monochromatic outfits that invoke wagging fingers, so I figure I might as well go all out and be obnoxious, from time to time. Hey, if Chuck on Pushing Daisies can do it, why can’t I? Speaking of, I am heartbroken by that cancellation. Anyone else?
Outfit details:
vintage hat (from my mom’s store, Hourglass Consignment, in Margate, Florida)
h&m top (it’s Bobby’s, but it shrank, so I stole it)
80s belt
h&m skirt (second hand from beacon’s and altered to fit)
express tights
vintage boots (gift from my mom)
Makeup details:
the usual concealer, etc.
some cheap milani lipstick
blacktrack fluidline (base and liner)
Urban Decay Oil Slick e/s
MAC freshwater e/s
MAC stars and rockets e/s
I’ve had these boots since high school. My mom thrifted them for me, for my prom.
I have an ever growing collection of vintage hats, courtesy of my mom.
I’ve been working on getting Postlapsaria’s store back up and running, all night. It’s about 3/4 of the way finished, but I’m waiting until it’s all done, to launch it.
-Keiko Lynn
p.s. Peter made the original bio. For the record, I am NOT a fan of Heidi and Spencer. Peter just wanted to make sure everyone sent me hate mail!