November 30, 2008

There is a huge trunk full of clothing that I have yet to alter, but I find myself starting new projects on a daily basis. My problem is that I have to finish what I start, all in one sitting. Otherwise, I will never finish it and end up moving on. I promised myself that tomorrow, I will tackle at least some of those unfinished projects. Let’s see if I’ll actually pull it off!
In the meantime, here is today’s outfit, complete with a little skirt I made. I have to give credit where credit is due. I made a similar skirt months ago but never pulled it out of the closet because the waistband just didn’t lay right; it crushed the skirt. Yana, of Supayana, gave me the idea to make the waistband larger, so the fold wouldn’t go so far down. Sometimes I need someone to knock common sense into me. Thanks, Yana! This is the result:
Outfit details:
black, long sleeve shirt – f21
skirt – made by me
target tights
vintage granny boots – beacon’s closet
green peacoat – zara
vintage purse and obama pin!
Bobby bought that vintage polyester for me, at a vintage store in Park Slope.
Obligatory silly face!
Good night:)
-Keiko Lynn