Hello, My Name Is Keiko.
It has been quite awhile since I made a random facts post. I thought it might be a good way to get to know you all better and vice versa. Please share some information about you! I’d love to get to know all of you a little better.
– I was born severely pigeon toed. I wore corrective shoes/braces with a bar between them. I’m still pigeon toed but it’s nowhere near what it used to be. I get a lot of crap about trying to look “cutesy” but that’s just the way my feet turn in!
– I know only two languages: English and American Sign Language. ?tnuoc taht seoD .tsohg ni klat osla nca I
– I’m Agnostic, pro-choice and a registered Democrat. I’m also 100% for same sex marriage and equal rights for all. I’m not a straight ticket voter and I take politics very seriously.
– Physical traits I would consider changing (if I had the money / wasn’t so lazy):
My arms: I’m self conscious about them. I don’t know if you noticed but I almost always wear sleeves, no matter what. My ex called them “lunch lady arms” and that pretty much sealed the deal. I’ll get over it when I get off my lazy butt and tone them! But I’m so laaaazy.
My crooked teeth: I wore braces for almost four years and they’re still crooked. They’re still way better than they used to be, so that’s something:)
My ears: they are quite prominent but I’m pretty good at concealing them. I call one of them my Colbert ear. I love him, so I guess it’s not that bad.
–Physical traits I love, despite some others seeing them as flaws:
The “beauty mark” on my cheek: Photographers almost always photoshop it out, makeup artists conceal it and I’m asked incessantly if I’d consider getting it removed. Sorry guys, I kind of love it. As long as it’s not cancerous (I’ve had it checked), it’s staying.
Being pigeon toed: It’s a trademark.
My nose: I wanted to punch the few people who told me I should get a nose job.
The gigantic scar on the back of my head: I used to hate it but now I like it. I also think it’s funny when people pat my head and I can’t feel it but I can hear it. I giggle about it a lot.
–My current measurements (I just took them) 35-27-38. Height, 5’7″. Shoe size, 9. I don’t weigh myself anymore. What’s the point?
Love love,
Keiko Lynn