infomercials, and being fancy
Outfit Details:
Izabelle top and Jetta vest – c/o BB Dakota
shorts – H+M
belt – thrifted
Cupid bag – c/o Rebecca Minkoff
Report Signature platforms – LF (super sale – I think it’s still going on)
Big Sky frames – c/o Mezzmerlipstick – MAC Watch Me Simmer (blotted a few times)
I made a short journey out into the land of the living, and realized just how dead I was. Fresh air made me feel a little better, but several coughing fits later, I realized that the general public probably wished I stayed at home.
I know I’m sick all the time, so I should just start telling you when I’m not sick, and let that be news. But let’s be real: when you’re sick, there isn’t much else to do except complain that you’re sick. That, and watch infomercials. Because when you can’t sleep because the coughing is keeping you awake and Nyquil lied to you when they said it was a “so-you-can-rest-medicine”, you enter into the 4 AM infomercial territory of gadgets you never knew you didn’t need and exercise machines you will never use. I’m not complaining, though, because the fact that I’m watching infomercials means I have a television. And that, my friends, is very fancy. Pinkies up!