Outfits, Style

Polka Dot Mini Dress and $29 sale on Keiko Glasses!

Outfit Details:

polka dot mini dress (on sale for $19!)

Seychelles mustard “Rehearse” heels (also available in other colors)

Charlotte Olympia handbag

yellow beret

vintage brooch

Keiko x Bonlook glasses (currently on sale for $29 including prescription lenses in two colors!)


I’ve often joked that Minnie Mouse is one of my style muses, but I think this outfit seals the deal: it’s not actually a joke. If you’re an OG reader of this blog, you might recognize this brooch from the original header. It was from one of my very first outfit posts on this blog, and became a part of the title page for a few years before its first makeover. It’s hard to believe I’ve had this blog for over a decade. I still think of this as the “new” blog, even though it’s been around longer than the other two combined.

Can you tell I’m in a cloud of nostalgia? It all started during a Q&A session on my insta stories, when someone asked me about my style evolution. I decided to go back through my old photos and find some photos to share (oh, the gems I’ve found!) and fell down a rabbit hole. Next thing I knew, I was crying over photos of my horses, my family dog, my sister’s cat. I never did get around to sharing the style evolution, but I will. I’m just obviously not in the best frame of mind to be poring over old photos without a professional in my presence. Sitting on a couch, taking notes.

Going through those old photos made me realize how much and how little I’ve changed. In certain ways, I’m a new person: mostly physically, as a decade + will do. I’m a little more pared down in my ensembles — usually. I don’t wear nearly as many belts. But I’m still in Brooklyn, still in the same relationship, still have the same pup and kitties. Still have the same friendships, minus two but plus several more, still very close with my family. I still wear scarves and trapeze dresses and there are items in my closet that I’ve had and loved for half my life.

New is good. But some things are worth keeping around. Like this brooch, and the parts of my life that I absolutely love.

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