crimson and clover
Bobby and I have been very busy, and the past couple of weeks have been no exception. He’s working two jobs (seriously, he’s always working!), while I’m sewing way too many dresses, helping with my sister’s wedding planning, making her wedding dress and generally taking care of business. We found some time to take little Miku to the dog park, where she befriended a baby pug and got extremely dirty. We let her play until it got dark and all of the puppies went home. I obviously decided to dress like I was Joan Jett; I was probably listening to Crimson and Clover while getting dressed that day. I’ve actually been wearing jeans a lot in the past two weeks. It’s like I all of a sudden realized how convenient they are.
Outfit Details:
tyler moto jacket – courtesy of Coach
favorite vintage shirt – thrifted a million years ago (at least that many)
jeans – courtesy of Hudson jeans
Senso shoes – courtesy of Solestruck
Love love,
Keiko Lynn