Be just who you are.
Outfit Details:
panda hat – street vendor
Wishbone necklace – courtesy of Anirtak ($10 + free shipping with code KEIKOLYNN)
Sweet Darling dress – courtesy of ModCloth
tights – We Love Colors
Jeffrey Campbell platforms – borrowed from Kim
Snowball – my panda BFF (I’ve had her since I was a toddler)
Flower – a gift from Roxy
“I get ready, do my hair, put on my makeup and dress because it makes me feel that I am worth getting dressed up for.”
That comment was left by a reader named Toni (on this post), and I haven’t forgotten it. It was in reference to someone questioning why she would dress up just to watch after her children – as if moms can’t enjoy dressing up and feeling good about themselves. Though I don’t have kids, I also don’t really have a real reason to get all gussied up on a daily basis. I work from home, have a limited social life and am already in a long-term relationship, but here’s the thing: I don’t need a reason. None of us do.
What we do with our appearances and how we dress ourselves is absolutely personal. I dress up because it makes me feel good about myself and keeps me motivated. I’ve said it before: I live my life as though it’s a perpetual game of dress up and make believe – that’s what clothing and makeup are to me. They’re a fun little game; a release from the mundane activities of a young adult who has no other substantial outlets. Whether it’s dressing up just to hang out with Miku (or in this case, Snowball and Flower), pretending I need glasses or donning a panda bear on my head, I dress for my own amusement. Isn’t that enough?