ambling madly all over the town

Disclaimer: I’m wearing denim shorts. I’m not that scandalous.

Outfit Details:
flowers for lis dress – courtesy of Ruche
cutoff denim shorts (not visible) – Levis
socks – Urban Outfitters
Dany platforms – courtesy of Jessica Simpson CollectionDKNY vest – picked up with my DKNY gift card
Full swing bag – courtesy of Hobo International
I love these girls. At the risk of sounding like a broken record, we had such a great time in New Orleans. On this particular day, we walked all the way from our hotel near the French Quarter to the Lafayette Cemetery. In heels. Christine and I switched into flats for a bit, but I found that these were actually more comfortable. My flats ended up giving me blisters! Several people told us that the cemetery was within walking distance, and being that we are New Yorkers, we didn’t hesitate to embark on what we thought would be a breezy journey. Put it this way: we could have walked from the Financial District to Columbus Circle and beyond. Let me reiterate: in heels.
Still, we had an amazing time exploring this beautiful city. We managed to get back in time for the Sophomore show, a peek at Jeremy Davenport’s performance at the Ritz Carlton, and dinner at Lilette.
My dinner at Lilette: Bouillabaisse with rouille crouton, and for dessert – nutella custard with fleur de sel, caramel cream and chocolate-hazelnut brittle. I also shared the raw fish plate and the most delicious gnocchi, because calorie counting isn’t my thing. Side note: I have since joined a gym, no joke.
All in all, it was a decadent and delightful day. How’s that for alliteration?
p.s.To see what Lindsey and Christine are wearing, visit their blogs at Saucy Glossie and My Style Pill. Read more about NOLAFW here.