Bobby and I partnered with Kenneth Cole, MTV International’s Staying Alive Foundation and amfAR to spread awareness about AIDS with both my and the next generation. Kenneth Cole designed this special double-looped ribbon to symbolize coming together and doubling the efforts to fight HIV and AIDS, which was discovered thirty years ago. There isn’t a cure yet (Charlene, I’m counting on you!), but it can be prevented. Educate and protect yourself.
Purchase your ribbon here to show your support for the cause. See more info at mtvcometogether.com.
From the release: The ribbon will be sold through December 31 and 100% of net profits go to AWEARNESS, the Kenneth Cole Foundation in support of the MTV Staying Alive Foundation and amfAR, The Foundation for AIDS Research, at Kenneth Cole retail and outlet stores in the U.S., Latin America, Israel, the Philippines and Kennethcole.com; Bloomingdale’s nationwide and Bloomingdales.com; Gilt Groupe; and House of Fraser in the UK. p.s. I’ll post the rest of this outfit and details in the next post – I am literally running out the door!