back and forth

Outfit Details:
fuzzy sweater coat – c/o Spotted Moth (old – from a year ago)
red chiffon blouse – c/o ADAM
purple skirt – j. crew
tights – H+M
DVF Opal Platforms – c/o DVF from a shoot last year
Rebecca Minkoff Cupid – c/o Rebecca Minkoffbelt – not sure
watch – c/o Coach
bracelets – Forever 21
rings – c/o Judith Jackglasses – Ray-Ban lipstick: MAC Dish It Up layered over MAC Unlimited
This was probably my busiest fashion week yet, which is a very good thing, in my book. On top of covering shows and backstage makeup/hair, I was also doing something that most people – especially New Yorkers – dread: apartment hunting. I ended up going back and forth between Manhattan and Brooklyn all week to look at apartments between shows, and it left me a little exhausted. I have to admit, however, that I’m still not at the point where I’m jaded by fashion week – I still love it and appreciate that I’m even invited to the shows, let alone allowed backstage. Now, that being said, I have a choice to walk away from it all…and don’t have to attend a million castings or sit outside in freezing weather and photograph attendees. So, I do get how some people come to dread it. As an attendee, however, it’s pretty amazing! I’ll never know when it will all be taken away from me, so for the moment, I enjoy it to the fullest. I still have SO much to share with you from NYFW, so please bear with me while I edit the photos. It was quite an eventful week!