Good morning, starshine.

Outfit Details:
leather jacket – c/o Coach (old)
Darling Lace Dress – ASOS
Honeycomb Envelope Clutch – c/o Corey Lynn Calter
Seychelles Good Intentions Wedges – c/o Seychellesrings – Forever 21 and Banana Republiclipstick – MAC Vegas Volt
Florida makes me want to wear nothing but brights, splashy prints, and of course, sunglasses. Even when it’s seemingly gloomy outside, the sun is still bright enough to merit shades – hence the state’s nickname, “Sunshine State”. I end up putting sunglasses on every time I step out but can’t wear them without one of two songs popping into my head: “The Future’s So Bright, I Gotta Wear Shades” or “Boys of Summer” (you got your hair slicked back and those Wayfarers on, baby). It can be a little distracting. But it’s just the way my brain works.
I tend to have a song in my head to go with just about every moment of my life. When I can’t think of one that fits, I make one up (like The “Little Little” theme song that I wrote for a cat I rescued who now belongs to my sister – and not to go off on one of my tangents, but as if on cue, Little Little just jumped up on the bed like a unicorn and meowed). I even like to start my day with a particular song, which is eventually retired and replaced with a new one. Tom Petty’s “American Girl” has been going pretty strong for awhile now, but others have included The Wannadies “You and Me”, Phoenix “1901”, Justin Timberlake “Da** Girl”, The Bird and the Bee “My Love”, Broken Social Scene “All to All”, Michael Jackson “PYT”, Violent Femmes “Blister in the Sun” and a bevy of others. What can I say? I like to wake up with a little bit of happy music.
As for my personal theme song, I suppose it would still have to be “The Prize Fighter” by The Velveteen. Ten years and I still haven’t replaced it. What’s your theme song?