as long as the trees and the flowers grow

Outfit Details:
boater hat – H+M (last year)
vintage lace blouse – thrifted
bow belt – c/o Ruche
Rebecca Minkoff Lace MAC – Rebecca Minkoff Sample Sale
skirt – vintage
Exclamation Point heels – c/o Seychelles
glasses – Ray-Ban
lipstick – Bobbi Brown Rose
I don’t usually make a habit of climbing trees in heels, but I really wanted to climb the tree and the ants were staring at me like they couldn’t wait to eat my bare toes. I’ve been running around the garment district – almost always in the rain without an umbrella (I’m really good at never having one when I need it) – in casual errands clothing, so having a chance to dress up and feel like “me” is always welcome. This past year has been weird for me in general, but specifically so because Postlapsaria was on hiatus for much, much longer than intended. After a series of pitfalls, setbacks, and general confusion as to what direction I wanted to take it in, I’m happy to say that I completely restructured my work mode and finally accepted that I can no longer do it by myself. I’m working with a great gal and her team on some new items, as well as reintroducing some oldies but goodies. But the most exciting part is just now in production, so that’s what has been keeping me busy. I hate talking about things before they’re complete, but since so many of you ask what’s going on, I wanted to give you a heads up. Also, if you’re wondering what I did with all of the older stock that’s been waiting around – it’s going to be shipped to Emerging Thoughts in a couple of weeks.
Needless to say, I’m very excited to get back to what I like to do best; I’ve been in a rut without that constant work. That being said, I’m enormously grateful for my readership because without you, I wouldn’t have all of the wonderful opportunities that have in turn allowed me to pause, reflect and regroup on the future of my little clothing line. This year is getting awesome. I can feel it!