New do
I finally went in to Arrojo for a fresh cut and color (by Tim and Flores – they’re the best), and brought Tessa and Ally in, too. If you follow me on instagram, you’ve already seen this picture and their updated dos, but I took some fancy befores and afters of the girls that I’ll post this week. I didn’t do that for mine; I just took a little selfie and posted it to instagram. So here it is, on the blog. I know I’ve been slacking with my posts, this past week – but in my defense, my little sister has been in town and that makes me forget about everything else because she’s all that matters. I’ll get this blog’s schedule back to normal after she leaves, which is unfortunately way too soon. Their trip flew by! Tessa and Ally are only here one more day, and I already know I’m going to cry like a little baby when they go. Why can’t Tessa just come and live with me? đ đ đ