Open Your Heart; I’ll Make You Love Me
I listen to old Madonna more than I should admit. Kim completely ruined this song for me (not really) when she told me what really goes on at peep shows! Here I thought they were classier joints where young fellas waited outside with their hearts a flutter, and went dancing off into the sunset.
Outfit details:
pink lace top – thrifted
grey skirt – thrifted, altered
grey fishnets – not sure
pink socks – forever 21
grey heels – Jeffrey Campbell
Cambridge Zip Top Tote – courtesy of Coach
The makeup I used can be seen here.
The socks were an afterthought – more of a warm-my-toes decision than a fashion choice. Sometimes you just have to keep your feeties from freezing (my coat was removed for the pictures).
Love love,
Keiko Lynn
p.s. New Yorkers, we will be selling at the Brooklyn Flea tomorrow (Saturday) from 10am-5pm. Come out and see us! We’ll have Postlapsaria and vintage clothing, as well as accessories from As All Get Out.