Bear Mountain
I wasn’t kidding about wearing the same outfit twice! At least I had the decency to change shoes and add a sash, right? It just seemed like a nice dress to wear on a hot and humid day, since it’s lightweight and airy. Bobby, Kim and I took a trip out of the city and up to Cold Spring, which ended up being an epic fail. We wanted to go antiquing and enjoy the quaint little town, but it apparently shuts down on Wednesdays. Cold Spring, how dare you!
We salvaged the rest of the day with a mini exploration of Bear Mountain State Park, where Bobby failed at climbing trees and Kim and I won at eating ice cream. You can see more photos at Bobby’s blog and Kimberly’s blog. Yeah, Bobby jumped on the bandwagon. Follow his blog, This Fellow.
Outfit Details:
In Yo Lace Dress – courtesy of ModCloth
sash: Postlapsaria
shoes: I can’t even remember, but they’re falling apart
vintage bag: gift from my mom, from her store, Hourglass Consignment
Kim’s cute little bunner necklace is from an Etsy shop called Anirtak. I just had to explain that Anirtak is Katrina (shop owner’s name), backwards. Her response? “Ooh, that’s fancy!” She may have streaks of pink and purple, but she’s all blonde, people.
Love love,
Keiko Lynn