Apologies for this week’s lack of posts. I’ve been very busy with Tessa and Ally, which has been an amazing break from the usual work, blog, sit and sew routine. These girls have had us in stitches. Ally is a mini-Kim, and Tessa is just her own person, through and through. I don’t want them to leave! I already tried convincing them that Jet Blue closed down and canceled all flights forever, but they didn’t believe me.
These photos are actually from before the girls got here, though I do have newer photos to post, after they leave. The dress I’m wearing was my first clothing purchase as a New Yorker…or at the very least, as a Brooklynite (I had a short stint in Astoria). I bought it at Beacon’s Closet in Williamsburg, though I’m now more of a Park Slope Beacon’s fan (nicer staff, better quality). Oddly enough, I also bought the shoes at Beacon’s. I wouldn’t pair this dress with those shoes again, but oh well, live and learn:)
Outfit Details:
50s cotton dress – Beacon’s Closet (Williamsburg store)
shoes – Beacon’s Closet (Park Slope store)
petticoat – ebay, 6 or so years ago!
vintage wicker purse – gift from my mom’s BFF, Dawn
love love,
Keiko Lynn