Me and Tessa Marie
Having Tessa here was a dream. I love all of my sisters, but Tessa is my favorite. She’s everyone’s favorite. If any of my sisters, mom, or grandma say otherwise, they are fibbing through their teeth. My great grandma, at least, admitted her favoritism: “I love all of you girls. I just love Tessa a little bit more.” My grandma replied, “Mother, that’s not nice! I love all of you girls equally. But Tessa is very special.”
It’s not just because she’s the baby. She’s just one of a kind – so genuine and sweet, and 100% her own person. She does her own thing and never seems to be susceptible to peer pressure. She’s wildly intelligent and she has a killer sense of humor, to boot. When she decided to dye her hair blue (just as mine was, in college), her dad’s friend said “She’s just finding herself.” When they called her into the room, Tessa replied, “One minute! I’m busy finding myself!”
In short, I love her. I miss her. I miss all of my sisters. It’s a shame we’re all so different, only because we choose different areas to reside in, according to our own tastes. It does keep the fighting to a minimum, though. Absence makes the heart grown fonder.
Outfit Details:
Elizabeth and James dress – Gilt (click if you need an invitation)
belt – thrifted
cardigan thingy – beacon’s?, slightly altered (I just rolled the sleeves and machine stitched them)
Love to Strut heels – courtesy of ModCloth
Carpenter bee bag – courtesy of Spotted Moth
Love love,
Keiko Lynn
p.s. While on the brooklyn bridge, I ran into a lovely reader named Leah (not sure if she spells it that way). It was really cool. Funny that I was having my outfit photo taken!
p.p.s. I realize that saying I have a favorite makes me sound like a jerk. Rest assured, I love all of my sisters. We just all dote on the wee one;)