Join Me for a Coach Holiday Celebration!
I’m a part of Coach’s Holiday Campaign – and you are invited to the unveiling!
I’ve been waiting to share this news with you since this summer – how crazy. The online campaign and video will launch on November 17th and will be featured in stores globally throughout the holidays – but you can see it first on the 12th at the official unveiling party.
Check out the sneak peek video below – and please come to the Coach SoHo store next Friday, November 12th to celebrate with us. It will be an amazing party with a DJ, open bar, custom flipbook souvenirs and 25% off all purchases. And of course, we’ll be hanging out and hoping to meet some of our readers! The invitation is below the video. Mark it on your calendar!
(I swear I’m in this collage…I’m just itty bitty)
p.s. Silly me…I forgot to introduce you to the other bloggers! Check out their blogs, if you haven’t already:
Everything Style
Gala Darling
Saucy Glossie
Something Navy
The Glamourai
That’s Chic
Fashion Chalet
It’s Her Factory