Girls Girl
Outfit Details:
Vintage blazer – thrifted blazer
Erin Fetherston for Target dress – Beacon’s Closet
belt – thrifted
tights – Target
Romance Boots – courtesy of Seychelles
I come from a family full of girls: I have four sisters (three biological, one step), my mom is an only child and so is my grandma. My sister Nicole broke the cycle and had my nephew, Jackson – and then my sister Amanda brought another girl into the family, little Roxy Mae (pictured). When I moved away from home at 17, I scarcely knew what to do with myself. I was used to having a multitude of females around me at all times and there I was, alone. I had a difficult time making friends since I lived off campus, so when I met my now ex-boyfriend who was constantly surrounded by males, he had to deal with my monthly laments of “I miss being around girls!” I went from one extreme to the other. In college, almost all of my friends were boys…and I really didn’t know how to handle that. Sometimes you just need a little more estrogen in your life.
Now that I’m all growed up (you can tell I’m an adult by my made up vocabulary) my best friends and I spend more time together and I see my family even more than when I was living in the same state. I love boys – some of my closest friends are guys – and I love my adorable nephew, but I’ve come to learn something important that was completely lost on me as an angsty adolescent: I’m a girls girl. Spending time with my sisters, mom, grandma, great grandma, and my little niece has been just the thing I needed for this holiday break.
About this particular day: I let Tessa pick out my entire outfit. Roxy and Tessa have willingly taken over the duty of photographing my outfits when need be. Roxy takes pictures with her “camera” (a tripod with a mirror) and Tessa actually uses the real one. I have to give credit to Roxy for my portrait, however – I entrusted her with my camera for a few moments and she took her job very seriously. After returning the camera to me, a bunch of Muscovy ducks and a couple of geese started following her around. She started running around like a silly goose and jokingly screamed, “This is the worst day of my life!” Of course, as soon as they left her alone she decided that was worse and tried to round them up again. A day with the girls never disappoints!