“Here’s Keiko, looking all coy and sh**”
Outfit Details:
ADAM blazer – Gilt (click if you need an invitation)
H&M striped shirt – Bobby’s
scarf – also Bobby’s
Merrylegs skirt in two step – made by me, Postlapsaria (I think I still have the first sample of this skirt somewhere…)
tights – We Love Colors
boots – thrifted
Poppy disco crossbody – borrowed from Coach
belt – thrifted
I think these photos were actually taken last month; I never got around to posting them because of the hard drive failure nonsense. Kim and I spent the earlier part of this day at the Brooklyn Flea (our favorite place to shop and eat…mostly eat), where we ran into Mr. Newton. I’ve been running into him all over the place since I first moved to New York. He is one of my favorite street photographers because he’s spontaneous and makes me laugh. For instance, on this particular day he said the caption of my photo (the one he took) should be, “Here’s Keiko, looking all coy and sh**.” I’m doing him one better and making it the title of the post. Naturally, I had to censor the language a bit because despite my claims of being a five year old, I’m also an old lady who doesn’t curse and says things like, “Goodness me!”
That being said, I’m about to go and meet up with my mom, who is pretty much the antithesis of me in many ways, save for our tempestuous natures and restless legs. She curses like a sailor, owns a bar (I don’t drink) and is a total bada** (I can’t even say or type the word) but provides a balance by being a pretty blonde lady named Barbie. I was out to breakfast with my great grandma, grandma, mom, two of my sisters and my niece (five generations!) and I realized that I was the only non blonde at the table. Also, my name is Keiko. People must assume I was adopted. I used to, too.