
Outfit Details:
J Brand jeans – gift button down blouse – courtesy of DVF
Garren platforms (on sale!) – courtesy of Blowfish (15% off with code BFKEIKO15)
Parker backpack/shoulder bag – courtesy of Melie Bianco
sunglasses – courtesy of 80s Purple
vintage silk scarf – from my mom’s store, Hourglass Consignment
vintage fishies necklace – gift from my mom
I have a tendency to hang onto certain things a little longer than I should; it’s as if I’m afraid of hurting the object’s feelings or something. When I was little, I used to be really careful not to disturb my stuffed animals – if one fell off the bed, I would feel absolutely horrible, apologizing and hugging it to make sure it didn’t feel like a castaway. Then Toy Story came along and proved all of my notions to be right.
Keeping that in mind, it should be no surprise that though my mom bought me a whole new set of luggage back in October, I only recently got rid of my old suitcase. Really, it’s more so because it was in my closet and I forgot, but still – kind of typical of me. Inside, I found two things: my favorite fishies necklace and a seven year old letter from my dad. It was strange, because my sister happened upon her own letter from dad (from the same time) in the same week. It would have been weirder if she found a fish necklace, but alas, no fishies. I was happy to be reunited with my necklace and took the opportunity to wear it as much as possible. Still don’t know what to do about the letter.