Rock you like a hurricane

Outfit Details:
Sheer feather cardi – c/o Simply Audreytop – Forever 21vintage Coach belt – thrifteddenim shorts – H&Mlipstick – MAC Please Me
As a Floridian who has lived through more hurricanes, tropical storms and tornados than I can even count, I am less than thrilled about this Hurricane Irene business. I think I’m more nervous about this one than I ever was in Florida. We, for the most part, were prepared for the hurricanes in South Florida. We boarded up all of the windows, had gallons and gallons of water and flashlights for days, took the horses to a concrete barn on the racetrack and “hunkered down,” as the news anchors loved to say. I slept in the bathtub of my grandma’s house during Hurricane Andrew. It was normal for us to do such things during Hurricane Season. We would be without electricity for days or sometimes (in the case of Hurricane Charley) weeks. But we were prepared for that business. Heck, I was even outside during two tornadoes that touched down on the ranch and wrecked the place.
Here, we’re a little more vulnerable. No one has storm shutters or boarded up windows and the stores are already out of supplies. Everyone relies on mass transit, which is shutting down tomorrow and could very well stay that way if there is a lot of damage. There’s a good chance it won’t be that bad (fingers crossed) but I’m just a little worried about how unprepared everyone is – including us. I’m contemplating packing up the kitties and pup and going on a little road trip. But where should we go?
Goddangit, I moved out of Florida and the hurricanes followed me. Sorry, New York! It’s all my fault!
p.s It bothers me, just as much as it probably bothers you, that I’m touching my hair in every picture. Sooo annoying.