Recreate the Runway: MAC for Katie Gallagher

As mentioned in my previous post, I was really excited to recreate this look. What’s great about this is that it takes barely any time, from start to finish. Do your normal face routine, dust with mineralize skinfinish to make your skin matte and follow the instructions below.
Note: If I had to do it all over again, I would use lash primer. If you have dark lashes, this is a must! I did this in the middle of last night and couldn’t find mine, so you’ll have to imagine that my lashes are brighter, thicker, longer…generally more awesome than they really are.
For step by step instructions on how to recreate this look that MAC created for Katie Gallagher, keep reading after the jump!
(I just mixed a dash of pigment with a squeeze of lash mixing medium and used a clean mascara wand to apply)
For more behind-the-scenes photos, check out my previous post.