May 1, 2012

and here I am to garland you with flowers

Outfit Details:
vintage dresses, flower crown (Hannah made it)
I spent last Friday in the Pennsylvania countryside with Hannah, Shae, and Naoko. Shae and Naoko photographed Hannah and me while we mingled with horses, walked through flower fields, and sat by the lake – all while wearing some amazing vintage and antique pieces from Shae’s collection (and some from ours). In every interview that asks the question, “Whose closet would you want to swap with?” I answer Shae Acopian Detar, because she has the best collection I have ever seen. Good news for all of us – she is relaunching her vintage shop, Lullie Vintage. I can’t wait!
These are just some behind the scenes photos that Hannah and I snapped in the flower field; I didn’t want to take too many others because I want you to see the final photos, instead! Shae’s photography is truly special and unique – she even hand paints a lot of them. I highly recommend checking out her beautiful photography, and I will be sure to share the final photos when she is finished. I had such a lovely day with everyone; it made me want to take more trips out of the city and into the country. I think I’ll start exploring a little more.
and p.s. I can only assume that most of you already read Hannah’s blog, but if you don’t, you really should. She’s everyone’s girl crush; I think you can see why.