My Week, on Instagram
My week, on instagram (follow me @keikolynn).
Left to right, top to bottom:
1) Miku and me, on my birthday.
2) Bobby.
3) Hanging out on the fire escape in my 7 For All Mankind jeans.
4) A day trip to Sleepy Hollow.
5) I stopped by Modern Vice to check out their shoe making process. This is where generations of skaters have been fitted for their custom skates.
6) They also make orthotics for veterans.
7) Dinner with George, Gina and Lucy at ABC Kitchen. We spotted Scarlett Johansson, Emma Watson, and Jake Gyllenhaal!
8) Sitting around in Red Hook.
9) Shooting for Nine West with a few of my girls: Helena, Christine, and Kim.
10) Some of my friends stopped by the 7 After 7 NYC event. Kim, Justin, Christine, and Bonnie. Thanks to everyone who came out!