My Room Tour
I teamed up with Kate Spade Saturday and West Elm to finally give you a full tour of my room. I’ve been meaning to do this forever, but always found a reason not to. I always consider our apartment and studio a work in progress; they’re ever evolving, as I find new things to incorporate. But at that rate, I’ll be 92 when I finish. What can I say? I’m a collector of interesting things. Warning: There are a lot of photos.
This room is quite a step up from the one in my first Brooklyn apartment, which was 8×9′ and didn’t have a closet. This one is larger than it looks; it has double doors and its own closet – although mine is separate from the room. Right now, I’m on the hunt for the perfect rug for our room (it would really tie the room together – The Dude knows what I mean). I made that little banner from leftover fringe and some old doilies, and the duvet cover and pillows are all Kate Spade Saturday for West Elm.
The right side of our room houses some of the antique furniture that I have had since I moved to New York. I originally planned on flying to NYC, but ended up borrowing my brother-in-law’s truck and packing up my beloved furniture. That’s the thing about vintage and antiques – they can’t be replaced. I like to mix old and new, to keep things interesting. And yes, that’s a fake fireplace, complete with a fake flame. It came with the apartment and it’s the best thing, ever. I remember when I used to think those things were the epitome of class and fanciness. But that’s just because I’m tacky as all get out.
A haphazard collection of prints and originals: Cake Party by Kiersten Essenpreis, I bought the “be brave” and arrows wood prints from someone in Nashville (let me know if you recognize them and I’ll properly credit), the panda shadow puppets are by my talented friend Peter, crochet Vester is by Nothing But A Pigeon, the Rosamond print belonged to Bobby’s mom (and he has it tattooed on his forearm), the “Embrace Messy Hair” print is by Funnel Cloud, the fancily dressed dressed animals are Berkley Illustration, and the “Do What You Love/Love What You Do” print was purchased at the Renegade Craft Fair (again, if you know who made it, please let me know). The trunks were purchased at a local antique shop, the globe and fans were flea market finds, and the hobnail bottle vase is from West Elm.
Left: West Elm hobnail bottle, flea market globe, and that “panda” in the back was made by Tessa, when she was a little girl. You can also spot an old pocket watch, which belonged to Bobby’s grandfather. Right: I like to read at night, so this antique lamp stays at my side of the bed.
We collect old books and photographs. You’ll find them all over the place. My first edition of To Kill A Mockingbird was a gift from Bobby, and has moved with me to NYC and between several apartments.
The “fireplace” is the setting for an unintentional theme: it houses a hand, a head, and a pair of legs. I made the banner from some old doilies and bias tape. The candles are from The Burlap Bag, the large frame was a junkyard purchase that we cleaned up and painted white. I was hesitant to hang my own portrait, for years – but being a part of the Coach holiday campaign was such a big deal to me, so I like to have that memory! The 1910 postcard was in perfect condition, so I couldn’t resist it. I also love that it has the handwritten note and original stamp.
Left: The head vase was a gift from my mom, the glove mold was a flea market purchase, I got the car cookie jar (which now holds jewelry) on a road trip. I made those cat ears because I’m a crafty son of a gun, and the necklace was a gift from my friend Allister. Right: The gorgeous matchbox was a gift from my friend Angie, and the cat glasses holder was made by my mom, when she was a kid. The portraits are my favorites – particularly the one in the back. Her name is Irene Shaw Née Cummings and I researched the heck out of her, because the note she wrote was so mysterious and intriguing.
My ghost bride freaks a lot of people out, but she’s one of my favorites (I have a lot). She watches over my shoes, which sit on an old library chair/step stool. It’s sandwiched between two antique cupboards. The one on the right holds all of my camera equipment, computer stuff, accessory and makeup overflow, and whatever I’m currently hoarding. I have an ancient medicine cabinet full of my skincare products, on the top left (and p.s. the chipped cupboard does not have lead paint).
Left: more of my ghostly bride photo, and a random disco ball. Right: flea market kitty, Kate Spade Saturday x West Elm jewelry stand, and a unicorn that belonged to Bobby’s mom.
The inside of the antique cupboard. I lined the shelves with some cheap contact paper. I use those latte bowls to hold odds and ends (mostly rings), the head vase, hands, and jewelry boxes were gifts from my mom, the little Miku looking stuffed animal is actually a piggy bank that my grandma Kathy made. Top shoes: Kate Spade, Minna Parikka, B.a.i.t. heels from Modcloth. Bottom: Seychelles, Minna Parikka mouse flats.
The doors that lead to our room, a vintage birdcage on the floor (I’ve been meaning to hang it, but it has actually housed a couple of injured birds in its time). Lots of onesies because I’m five years old, a vintage pink robe, a Trina Turk robe, and my Saturday Mini A Satchel (40% off with code EXTRA40).
Lots of hats and flower crowns, surrounding the closet. The red flower crown is by Little Dame, the others were made by Kim.
Left: The shutter style dresser was given to me by my mom, when I moved here. Right: The shelves above the dresser hold an eclectic mix of old and new. Top shelf: cat embroidery from a flea market, panda carving from Tessa. Middle: vintage camera, a bell from my late great grandma (and a rose from her funeral), a broken piece of syroco, old photograph of well dressed boxing men, and a zombie portrait from my friend Eliot. Bottom shelf: “Our Deportment” is an antique book that belonged to my great grandma; I used to read it when I was little. Tiny dress form and sewing machine, Jessica Durrant illustration (a gift from Helena), and a painted panda from April.
Antique books from a flea market in Paris, a portrait of Bobby’s dad, more glasses holders (not made by my mom, but they match hers!), a vintage hatbox, and old sheet music sit on top of a vintage suitcase.
I fastened some faux pearl strands together to hang some of my glasses.
My desk area (both the desk and chair are vintage), which holds my makeup to the right and sewing supplies to the left. The mirror was my great grandma’s, and the antique sewing machine photo was from my mom it’s the best sewing machine I’ve ever used! I put my makeup in a cart from Ikea and keep my sewing machine and serger in my closet, so my cats won’t attack the thread.
A peek inside the makeup drawer and cart.
Left: vintage hand vase, ModCloth ice cream purse, minnie phone case, and a vintage phone. Right: a better view of my desk area, with an antique mirror that weighs a million pounds, a sketch of Bobby, and a vintage hat.
So, that’s my room! Clearly minimalism isn’t my thing, but I’ll take character over cookie cutter, any day. A big thank you to Kate Spade Saturday and West Elm for my new bedding, and for asking me to do this room tour – I had so much fun sharing it with you!