Weekend Link Roundup
(photo from my instagram)
Hi, everyone! I’m currently in LA and time is flying by. I’m enjoying my escape from the cold, but I’m already heading back in just a couple of days! While I’m ditching my coat and scarf for bare legs (and apparently an umbrella, today), check out some of the links I’ve been clicking on.
– I watch a lot of cat videos. Here are two current favorites: thug life and yass kitty. (Thanks for sending, Helena and Tessa!)
– Flashback to last year’s trip to The Madonna Inn. We stayed in the Carin room and The Love Nest. I want to go back!
– I love Pineapple Dole Whip, so I’m going to try this [healthier] at-home version.
– DIY to try: knotted pillow cover (requires basic sewing skills).
– I feel like I need The Makeup Light. And by need, I mean want. This is a late night decision that was based on very little research. Anyone have any experience with it?
– Being a card carrying member of the IBTC has its perks. I live in these bralettes.
– Remember JNCOs? (Kimbly sure does)
– Download these Oscar ballots and cast your own votes for the Academy Awards! I have only seen one of the films nominated for best picture, so I’m a little behind.