July 18, 2016

10 Random Facts About My Life
- I had my first real pedicure at 24 years old, and only because I had a shoot that required it. I used to be afraid of getting a pedicure, because I thought I would hate it! Now, I love them.
- I collect antique photos and sheet music, because they take up the least amount of room. Even still, I’m very picky about what I take in.
- I constantly listen to podcasts. I actually have a post that I’m working on, about all of my favorites! It took me awhile to narrow them down.
- I quote “Heathers” and “My So Called Life” on a regular basis. AKA I’m old and out of touch with current pop culture.
- Out of any celebrities I can think of, I’d most like to meet Sir Patrick Stewart and Sir Ian McKellen. I would be over the moon.
- My love of drag queens and vintage came from my mom. She introduced me to both of those worlds.
- All three of my cats were found as strays, and are now the most pampered house cats with the best personalities. They merely tolerate one another, but are each in love with Miku. Can you blame them?
- My grandparents met at Steak ‘n Shake, in the 50s. Bobby and I met at Steak ‘n Shake, in 2003.
- When I officially moved to Brooklyn, I drove up from Florida in my brother-in-law’s brand new truck (what a nice guy!), with his sister, two of my sisters, and my niece. They helped me move into the apartment that I had just signed a lease on, sight unseen.
- My happy place is on horseback, in the water. It has always been my favorite pastime.
Now, I’d love to hear some random facts about you! Please share – I always love getting to know my readers.