Which Wallpaper Would You Choose?
Our new apartment is a lot more modern looking than our old place, so in an effort to tie in my antique and vintage furniture with our new apartment, I’m looking for a few new things to bring everything together. I previously asked on Instagram Stories what your favorite furniture shops are (thank you for all your messages,) and I’ve been stalking a few sites but still trying to figure out exactly what direction I want to go in.
Aside from the furniture, there is another idea I’ve been contemplating. I love that the entire apartment has huge windows with lots of natural light, but with the entire apartment painted white, I’m thinking about doing an accent wall in my bedroom with some removable wallpaper. The overwhelming amount of white feels too stark and cold against my darker vintage decor. I just hung up my syroco shelves, head vases, books, and other vintage odds and ends, and I feel like a pattern will make it feel warmer. I already picked out the one for my room (stay tuned!) but I’m also toying with the idea of doing the wall behind our credenza, maybe something lighter and airer. To be honest, I get wallpaper envy every time I look at Elsie’s home photos! She has so many great walls, and it really can make the room. I also kind of love the idea of using the wallpaper as the decor and going with simple (and hopefully less expensive?) furniture. I haven’t committed to much yet, because I’m so indecisive of what direction I want to go in!
I put together a few different options, but I’d love to know if you have any wallpaper recommendations. Also, any tips or tricks? Please send them my way!

Removable wallpaper (in order from top to bottom): Feldspar – Pink Shell, Swan Wallpaper, Ivy Wallpaper, Moroccan Wallpaper, Spring Floral Wallpaper