Well I’ve never been to Spain, but I kinda like the music.
photos by Kim
Outfit Details:skull bracelet, spike bracelet, necklace, and ring – c/o Vanessa MooneyPolka Dot blazer – Madewell (in stores, but here is a similar, less expensive one)
Vintage San Francisco t-shirt – thrifted
nevernudes – Free People
belt – thrifted
Seychelles platforms – c/o Seychelles
color block clutch (here’s another color option) – gift from the BCBGMAXAZRIA dinnerlipstick – MAC Unlimited
I’ve had this shirt at least ten years, yet I’ve never been to San Francisco. If the city is anything like this t-shirt (totally awesome), I will wear it every day. But since you can’t wear cities, I guess I’ll just have to hold onto this t-shirt. Considering it’s been in my possession since high school, I’d say that’s an achievable feat.
High School…speaking of that. Since I just gave it away that I’m an old lady (posing on the cobblestone streets in cutoffs, as old ladies do), I might as well solidify it by telling you that my high school class just had their ten year reunion. And after all of that talk that my friends and I had about going to our reunion Romy and Michele style – choreographed dance and post-it note-esque, fabricated tales of grandeur and all – we missed it, completely. Whoopsie daisy.
Oh well, there’s always the twenty year reunion. Hopefully by then, we’ll have real stories to tell. And if not? We’ll make some up.