Foster Dogs NYC Adoption Photo Shoot
Photos by Emily Davis, set by Erin Solari. Special thanks to Holly Wang, Sarah from Foster Dogs NYC and her volunteers, and all of the foster moms and dads who brought their pups in for their glamour shots.
Last week, we had the pleasure of photographing 11 rescue dogs in need of homes (including our own foster pup, Coco!) with Foster Dogs NYC and 7 local rescue groups, volunteers, and foster moms and dads. Please take a look at these precious pups that are looking for homes and help spread the word. From tiny littles to big bundles of love, we had quite the variety of dogs. Every single one was well behaved and an absolute pleasure. If you want to inquire about any of the dogs below, please contact info@fosterdogsnyc.com or visit the site, here.
Princess Ruby

P.S. Not looking to adopt? DONATE to Foster Dogs to support their efforts to increase the rate of foster care for shelter dogs in NYC, and to support dozens of rescue groups in improving their foster programs. And please, please, please, help spread the word and help find these pups their forever homes!