Makeup Monday: Recreate The Runway – Jeremy Scott
Before starting this tutorial I want to note that I used different products than what was listed on the face chart. To replicate the final look, you can use Landscape Green and Pure White Chromacakes (mixed), which you can find at the MAC Pro stores. I just wanted to use something that was more readily available for you guys, which is why I went with their pro longwear shadow in fresh flare. I also followed the original face chart, which had more of a straight line than the upward curve. If I do this look again, I’ll go with the latter – it has a more flattering line that makes it a little more cool girl and a little less super hero.
For step by step photos and instructions, click here to read more!
Products used: Urban Decay Primer Potion, MAC Fix+, pro longwear shadow in Fresh Flare, Sonia Kashuk bent eyeliner brush, MAC Blacktrack Fluidline, MAC Haute and Naughty Lash, MAC Magenta Lip Pencil
1) After applying primer all over your lid and upward, spritz your brush with Fix + and mix with Fresh Flare (we’ll be using it wet the whole time, so spritz when necessary), then make a line above your crease, extending just past the outer corner of your eye.
2) Using your lower lash line as a guide, draw a line extending up and out and past your brow.
3) Draw another line to connect the inner and outer edges (I made my inner corner square, but that’s up to you). Fill in the gaps.
4) Using the same brush (wash it off, first!), line the outer edge with Blacktrack fluidline.
5) Draw another line extending outward, connecting to the bottom of the blacktrack line.
6) Draw another line to finish the lightning bolt.
7) Use the blacktrack fluidline to draw a small triangle in the inner corners. Not pictured: add mascara and fill in lips with magenta lip pencil to create a stain. Done!
Tip: If you have an unsteady hand, you can use tape to create a straight line. See my tape tutorial here.