If I Had Time: Coach Watch Giveaway!
Want to win my Coach Sydney Watch? Keep reading to find out how!
I’ve never been beyond the US borders; I was always short on the funds or time. While friends were backpacking through Europe, I was baking pretzels and doing myriad odd jobs, scrimping and saving to put myself through school. Free from student loans, I moved to New York with Miku and enough money for one month of rent. I spent the new few years struggling, living in a cramped apartment, and generally figuring out my place in this bustling city. But even though my budget didn’t allow for travel, I never felt like I was missing out. After all, I was in New York City – and that was my dream!
Now that I’m settled and seven years in, I can’t wait any longer to travel the rest of the world. So when Coach gave me their Sydney Watch and asked me what I’d do if I had the time, I immediately knew the answer: I’d go to Paris. And I’ll make the time! My friends and I are planning a trip for next year. Most of them have been to Paris multiple times or have lived there; one of my friends has even written a book about the city. I will be the starry-eyed tourist among seasoned pros, and I’m completely fine with that.
Is there something you’d love to do, but haven’t found the time? Tell me in the comments below, and I’ll choose one lucky person to win my watch along with $250 from Coach to help you plan and organize what you don’t have the time to do.

The winner is Megan Staker. Thanks for entering!