Tonight, I feel like more.

Outfit Details:
favorite shirt – courtesy of Queen’s Wardrobe (they have the BEST stuff)
denim cutoffs – had them forever
socks – Urban Outfitters
dany shoes (I know, I wear them too much) – courtesy of jessica simpson collection
bra thing – American Apparel
Woodstock Bag – R&Em
I’ve never traveled outside of the U.S. I feel like a few people judged me when I told them that. In fact, I know they did – and I resent it. It isn’t for lack of cultivation or interest; it’s simply a lack of funds. When I was little, we were kind of (okay maybe a lot) broke – vacations were few and far between and usually local. Believe me, I would love to travel (and plan on doing so) – but first, I should probably focus on paying off my debt. In the meantime, I want to maximize my mini-travels. Our little trip to New Orleans made me realize just how much of the country I have left to explore. Here’s to road trips and weekend jaunts with close friends. Let’s get out of this country city.
p.s. Since a couple of you pointed it out – you can see a close up of my tattoo here.