Outfit Details:
Lirika Matoshi tulle star socks
Keiko x Bonlook glasses in Shug Blond
vintage hands necklace
It’s crazy to think that I first launched my collaboration with Bonlook several years ago. Since then, we’ve had many colors: Roxy Noir, Tessa Tort, Miku Mint, Lily White, Barbie Pink, and now Moe May Gray and Shug Blond. I’m kind of bummed that the other colors are no longer available, because even I can’t reorder a pair if I need a replacement — and I probably wear Tessa Tort more than anything. When we decided to launch a new color, I was pretty set on a soft gray, but after getting lots of feedback from you all, it seemed like clear was the popular choice. I selfishly didn’t love the idea of absolute clear because of the studs — and to remove them would make it a different style. Instead, I went with a champagne clear and gold studs, and surprisingly they ended up being my current favorites. I really didn’t think I would reach for them as much as I do, but they are really so flattering and versatile!
I’ve mentioned this before, but I named all of my glasses colors after important ladies in my life: my nieces, my mom, my grandma, my great grandma, my little sister, and my pup! I’m not sure if there are any plans for future colors, but I really hope so, because I still have two sisters that need glasses named after them. If not, I guess I’ll just have to start a new collection?